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“Fall into the love of your own self, of your own heart, and have a good time.”

We’re now bringing your attention to the planes of energy that exist in the universe. We are used to thinking of energy as coming from a light bulb, the sun, something warm, or something that we turn on. Then, we see it and feel it moving. Those are just man-made, structurally implicated energy systems. We’re bringing your attention to the fact that in order for you to be alive is the result of your own energy system interacting with itself and becoming aware of those many planes, almost infinite planes. Planes are flat spirals of infinite energy, vortexes that exist all around us in deep space and all around you. We’re bringing to your attention that these planes are real.

Energy planes are very important and very valuable to wake up to because you exist on many different levels at the same time. These energy planes are always interacting with each other. They’re interacting in and on their own multilevels of chakra systems, nervous systems, feet energy, hands, head, and the multiplicity of personalities. Those are all reflections of our own planes of energy. We’re advocating waking up to some of these planes so you can know yourself. Nothing is without your ability to influence it, change it, live it, and be it more than you thought before. Anything that seems random is just the unknown. Know yourself to be more. Fully understand and appreciate the many multilevels of energy at work. Let our deepest selfless/self notice light; notice light coming together. And what does that create? Sparks, lots of sparks. And what do lots of sparks remind us of? Energy.

Energy and light move across the planes of our selfless/self giving us a kind of encouragement to notice more and more of what’s available to be lived. We’re talking about living on a big planet. It’s a big opening. Fall into the love of your own self, of your own heart, and have a good time. Let us all remember so we carry back our own uniqueness and full likeness, so we notice who it is that we came here to be known as, and say it to each other with a lot of encouragement. To be clear about ourselves is why we’re here.

Energy, for all of us, finds its appropriate moment. It finds the most appropriate moment to express what it’s here for. We think of light as being a little bit empty when, actually, light is vibrating. It has a vibration that’s uniquely yours and completely an expression of you-ness. It’s a full expression of you and no one else. You can feel the trust and the knowingness with that experience. It’s no one else’s to have but yours. It gives a lot of confidence to the expression that you’re ready to bring forward. The physical body is ready to manifest something about that light, something helpful about that light.

Sometimes, we can be aware of a tingling in our necks or wherever it’s piling up. Sometimes, it’s just piling up in such a way it hurts; we might have a stomachache or a headache or we might have a sore throat even. It’s just asking for a simple opening in our awareness to notice a pileup of energy. It’s there for some reason, whether the body is preparing to move itself in a more productive way or whether there’s a genuine inquiry going on with the cells. The cells are calling up the light. So, it’s cell phone activation. (laughter in the group)

Cells are always calling to the light inside yourself. Cells aren’t randomly disconnected from the light of who we are. That’s why we think of separation sometimes between energy and this body form that we’re carrying when there isn’t any. We’re just reminding everyone of very fine levels of communication that are already present here and already quite active, too. They’re wisdom points within your own energy movement you’re free to know about. There are no secrets, no holding back. This is all important information.

Your body is ready to telephone the light presenting itself somewhere, maybe somewhere hidden from view, even though it’s clearly here. Everyone’s clear light is clearly shining, clearly shining to us because that’s how we got here. We got here through the returning memory of who we are, carried with the vibrational aspect or quality of the light of uniqueness. That’s how we’re here.

What do we do with that? What do we do when we find ourselves with awake energy moving inside ourselves and we start to catch a glimpse of our own light or light around someone else, too, or our hands begin to be warm? Moving with that light and energy, communication with our bodies becomes very, very clear at that level. You’re ready to be fully appreciated for what you came to do, why you’re here, and who you are.

This isn’t going to be manifested by your lightbody. This is going to show up with the who you are. That’s how it gets integrated and becomes real. That’s why we have the forms that we have. We have to do something with them. We’re just not sure what these forms are capable of expressing because we have been looking at these forms for a very long time and they seem to do the same thing every day. We’re asking for a fresh approach to see what these forms can express and carry out. There’s no limit to what you can know for your own self-discovery in terms of your own purpose, your own purposefulness waking up. That’s what we mean by knowing everything about yourself. You are fully capable of knowing everything about why you’re here. Exactly why you’re here is why you’re here.

Everyone has a variety of planes that are active and some quiet and they can come forward more. We can notice them as movement, they get our attention, somehow, someway, whether or not through a pleasant feeling or attention to pain. They get our attention somehow. We notice them somewhere. It could be even through the upliftment of our own feelings sometimes, or a friend may point out something that’s new about you, also. Our own unique energy, however, is exactly why we’re here. We don’t find any reason to copy anybody else on this journey, or we might miss something special about our own journey. Accessing information and cells being more alert to that inner light is good.


Energy Exercise:


Visualizing the Lotus Pool

We get to interrupt the flow of this just for a moment, so that we get to jump into this lotus pool right here at the root chakra. Everybody jump into this pool here of light. This is a big amber-colored pool here. It is very amberish. It comes out from the body. It feels very liquidy at times, or very solid too, depending on the kind of person that you are interrupting the flow of this flower. It can give you a very solid, rough feeling and also a very liquidy feeling, and it can interchange back and forth here.

So, sometimes you feel less grounded and, sometimes, more certain here. As this amber field changes color, it ripples up the spinal cord, comes out from the heart center area and activates a lot of movement of this heart and willingness, too. This is an amber-like flower here in the root chakra, a lotus blossom here. Some people think there is a lotus in the heart area, but no, we sit on the flower of our life like this, so we’re certain that we’re here to protect this, to protect this Entity or this shape that we seem to be in at this time, so we feel a greater sense of alive. It comes from the root chakra here and up to the heart; it goes out and comes back again and goes down. It comes up again, it goes out, and it comes back again so that we have a greater sense of alive.

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